
Roppongi Sushi Yu [Roppongi Sushi Yu]

Inheriting the traditions of Nakamuraro, which have continued since the Muromachi period, we create the finest sushi with the proven techniques we have acquired through 30 years of training.
In a food world that evolves every day, we offer a one-of-a-kind experience by fusing tradition and innovation with the refined techniques of Kyoto Kaiseki and seasonal ingredients.
We offer special moments with the skills of our artisans and fine sake carefully selected by our sake sommelier.
We offer one-of-a-kind hospitality that can only be experienced at Sushi Yu, so if you are looking for Sushi, a Restaurant, or Sashimi in Roppongi, please come and visit us.

【Company Profile】


Store name Sushi Yuu | Sushi Roppongi
Address 〒106-0032
東京都港区六本木7-10-1 M’s BILD地下1階-B号室”
Telephone number 03-6447-1288
URL https://sushi-yu.jp/
GoogleMAP Sushi in Roppongi『Sushi Yuu | Sushi Roppongi』
Services offered If you want sushi in Roppongi